Year 9 Options

23 Apr 24

Choosing your option subjects for KS4 is an incredibly exciting and important part of your journey here at Crestwood. Our School is built on the belief that all learners can succeed through developing their aspirations, creativity and independence.

The Options process will be the first opportunity you have to significantly influence your own education. With such an important decision, we want to ensure you are able to make the right choices, having been given as much support and guidance as possible.

It is important that you fully engage in the programme of activities and events that have been organised for you. The purpose of these events is to help you focus on the decision that will ultimately shape your future.

The final decision on which four options you study in KS4 will be communicated to you in the Summer Term. It is therefore essential that you continue to be engaged and committed to all of the subjects, even ones you will not be continuing with.

Please use this booklet to discover the wide variety of options that are available to you. You should speak to your teachers at school and make an appointment with subjects you are interested in at the Options Evening.